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always changing, never consistent

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

il caffè

what day is it? what time is it? when was the last time i showered? three questions I find myself asking a lot these days... why is lack of time a reoccurring theme in my posts?? four months into my master's program and half the time i feel like i'm drowning. at least twice a week i seriously consider fleeing to europe and opening a bakery, which is totally feasible except for the fact that...

a) i have no money.
b) X won't let me.
c) i can't bake.

just kidding about c, i can totally bake. i mean i'm no Antoine Careme, but i do alright. my baklava can take you to heaven and back. don't mean to ring my own bell, but... *ding ding.* and as for b, i'm pretty sure X is right there with me in regards to fleeing all responsibility and going to europe

a is still true. 

oh yea, and there's some craziness that keeps me from physically and mentally being able to do anything else except help people through medicine. my sister thinks we were brainwashed as young children. but still, a bakery sounds nice right about now. 

sorry readers (or should i say, mom) i have nothing really interesting to say. I've disappeared for over a month and when I find time again I'll 

1. sleep
2. shower
3. catch up on tv shows
4. blog

in that order... 

photo by galenfrysinger