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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

snow day number five...

last week a series of unexpected (but not so unfortunate) events resulted in a week of class cut short to only monday.

the culprit: snow
the contender: a histology exam
the score: 5 snow x 0 histology exam

yes, the histology exam that was rescheduled for today (after three other failed reschedules) was once again, rescheduled.

i've never lived in a place where snow was a seasonal event, and that actually happens to still be true. however, thanks to global warming, i've seen snow for the last three years in the three different places i've lived. i was especially ecstatic experiencing my first real snow day, which is more than i can say for the rest of the city - apparently everyone else was frantically buying everything in the supermarket, stocking up on essentials, which apparently is toilet paper because the toilet paper aisle was literally empty.