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always changing, never consistent

Monday, April 26, 2010

blog stalking

have you ever noticed the thin line between following someone's blog and being a stalker? i've found myself addictively checking people's blogs recently... some of the blogs are from people i've known well for years, which is not what i'm worried about. no, my concern is with the people i've met once or not at all, and for some reason i can't get enough of their posts... to the point that i read their old posts from a time when i had no idea they existed. yesterday, i stumbled upon this blog and her recent post "carry that weight" just broke my heart. i then proceeded to read the rest of her tabs in their entirety and skim through her old posts... what can i say? i'm curious! but in all seriousness, the other day i was reading an article about how technology has made it so easy to get people's information. simply by having your cell phone on you can be located if you're within a 100 mile radius of a cell phone tower. not to mention, every time you do something online, sign in to any account, use your credit card...etc! this author "went on the run" for a year and dared his readers to find him. apparently he was found like 9 times, and that was with him using pre-paid phones, paying in cash, etc... just something to think about!

in other news, one of my younger sisters and i are obsessed with winning the 2010 HGTV green home. why, you ask? because we didn't win the 2010 HGTV dream home. all our time sending positive energy out into the universe was not enough. it's ok though, my sis and i decided that the chances that we would win a dream home AND the $80 million dollar lottery were slim, so it was probably better that we saved our win for the lottery. however, since we have still not won the lottery, we're refocusing our energies on the green home. don't enter the sweepstakes, it's ours. unless of course you're planning on giving it to us when you win...

speaking of green, you should watch the video i posted...