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always changing, never consistent

Sunday, April 25, 2010

procrastination makes the world go round

as the end of the semester nears i have several things i should be doing instead of this, but it just wouldn't be the end of the semester without my old friend, procrastination. yesterday, as i began procrastinating in my usual way by listing all the things i need to do (which is a tricky form of procrastination since you can almost lead yourself to believe that by making lists you are actually doing something productive), i subsequently moved on from my list of things-to-do-until-the-end-of-the-semester to a list of things-to-do-for-the-next-5-to-6-years-of-my-life... the hyperventilation which followed was to be expected, as i counted away the next half a decade of my life and felt my youth slipping away in front of my eyes... i did, eventually, manage to calm myself down, but only after duly noting the plethora of things i have yet to see, learn, and conquer. in no particular order and definitely not limited to ....

1. travel the world (i have done my fair share, but i would like to point out that i have over 85% of the the world left to see)
2. learn several more languages (reasons behind this yet to come)
3. bungy jump, skydive, paraglide, etc....
4. find the courage to bungy jump, skydive, paraglide, etc...
5. revisit my viola/violin (and hopefully get past my regression to the 6th grade playing level)
6. conquer the guitar
7. dapple with my long lost love, art
8. write a book
9. meet Oprah (even if you don't like her you can't deny her influence on our generation)
10. act in something...
11. learn to like cooked carrots
12. perfect my culinary skills
13. win the lottery
14. find a cure for the major ailments of the world
15. world peace
16. run a marathon in 20 countries
17. go on the 'amazing race' with my little sister

and so on....

as you can see i have a lot on my plate. i would also like to point out a few key things about me...

1. i'm very passionate about what i believe to be justice and equality, and i do not like confrontation because i have this inherent need to please everyone ... which should be noted is a horrible combination and apparently makes me passive aggressive...

2. i have emotional issues with punctuation and capitalization.

i feel that "."s should be carefully placed, otherwise they seem mean and cold. this should explain my reoccurring "...", what appear to be run-on sentences, or overly zealous punctuation (i.e. ??, ?!, !, !!!) also, i find capitalization of letters to be less friendly. this being said, i would like to point out that my mother is an excellent and highly competent english teacher, who i'm sure is flinching at the sight of my post... i would also like to point out that i will not take any true offense by your choice of punctuation or capitalization, and that i do capitalize and 'punctuate' when need be :)

3. i hopelessly believe in the good in people and always feel the need to show the other side of a situation or argument, even if it isn't necessarily my point of view... i just can't let it go... i have to make sure everyone sees the whole picture. i'm pretty sure it's a serious problem. and yes, i know it can be annoying... i promise i'm working on it.