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always changing, never consistent

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

where did the time go

so we've finally moved... everything in the past few weeks has seemed like a blur, and i can't say that i'll be sad to see this month finally end! i've been so busy looking forward that i almost stumble on the days as they go by... so much so that it hadn't really hit me until just now that i am graduating in two days - forget that graduate school orientation is tomorrow and that directly after i will commence the seven hour journey back to tiger land - four years of undergraduate will be over in less than 48 hours. seriously, where did the time go? i remember just yesterday moving into the freshmen dorm and meeting lara, my roommate, and celebrating my "fifth" real birthday (yes, poor leap year baby) with my best friend of eight, now ten, years... i could have sworn i was just on a 13 hour time difference phone call with my mother... and i can almost taste the acai and cachorro quente shared with friends near the "pontao." yet, here i am sitting in our, (that would be my other half of 1 year 5 months and myself), one bedroom apartment, soaking up the sun that is creeping through our only living room window, and wondering where the time went...